The ZOMG FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) UPDATE!!!!! Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew Milan and James Curbo Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this word under the terms of the GNU Free Word License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Word License". 1.1) What the fuck is ZOMG 1.2) The History of ZOMG 1.3) ZOMG Usage and Culture 1.4) Heterosexual ZOMG - waht? 1.5) ASCII ZOMG - Rick rewerites the ZOMG canon. 1.6) Raspberry Heaven reports - the evolution of the ASCII ZOMG i.) [SA]Hova 1.) 1.1) Just what the fuck is ZOMG? ZOMG is a nonsense phrase/word which is linguistically descended from the term OMG, or 'Oh My God'. It's used to describe a situation or occurence which is substantially more eleveated then that which would require OMG. 1.2) The History of ZOMG ZOMG was originally coined in January 2003 by two individuals, James Curbo and Matthew Milan, over ICQ The following chat log may or may not be exact, so apocraphycal information has been used to recreate this event. Hannibal Smith: d00der! Rick Feynman: zomg! Hannibal Smith: ZOMG! Rick Feynman: fag! ZOMG! 1.3) ZOMG Usage and Culture ZOMG can be used as a replacement phrase/word to add flavour or excitement to any discussion. eg: Person 1: I have heard that your mother is a dirty slut with shitting dicknipples. Person 2: ZOMG! 1.4) Heterosexual ZOMG - waht? If you don't understand ZOMG or find it funny, you are obviously a flaming homosexual. Deal with it. 1.5) ASCII ZOMG - Rick rewerites the ZOMG canon. As posting ZOMG in Raspberry Heaven is now a kickable offense, here is the source of ZOMG.txt for those of you who need a break from the hub. *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** *****ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*******OOO*********MMM********MMM********MMM*********GGGGG********* ******************ZZ*****OO***OO*******MMMM******MMMMM******MMMM********GG***GG******** ****************ZZ******OO*****OO******MM*MM****MM***MM****MM*MM*******GG*****GG******* **************ZZ*******OO*******OO*****MM*MM***MM*****MM***MM*MM******GG******GG******* *************ZZ*******OO*********OO****MM**MM**MM*****MM**MM**MM*****GG**************** ***********ZZ*********OO*********OO****MM*****M*********M*****MM*****GG**************** *********ZZ***********OO*********OO****MM*********************MM******GG****GGGGGG***** ********ZZ*************OO*******OO*****MM*********************MM*******GG******GG****** *******ZZ***************OO*****OO******MM*********************MM********GG****GG******* *****ZZ******************OO***OO*******MM*********************MM*********GG**GG******** ****ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*******OOO*********MM*********************MM***********GG********** *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** ***ZZZZ***OO****M*****M****GG*** *****Z***O**O***MM***MM***G***** ****Z****O**O***M*M*M*M***G**GG* ***Z*****O**O***M**M**M***G**G** **ZZZZ****OO****M*****M****GG*** *ZZZ*O**MMMMM**G*** **Z*O*O*M*M*M*G**G* *ZZZ*O**M***M**GG** ********* *Z*O*M*G* ********* 1.6.) Raspberry Heaven contibutes - the evolution of the ASCII ZOMG i) [SA]Hova ___ ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ \:\ \ /::\ \ /::| | /::\ \ \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| | /:/\:\ \ \:\ \ /:/ \:\ \ /:/|:|__|__ /:/ \:\ \ _______\:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/ |::::\__\ /:/__/_\:\__\ \::::::::/__/ \:\ \ /:/ / \/__/~~/:/ / \:\ /\ \/__/ \:\~~\~~ \:\ /:/ / /:/ / \:\ \:\__\ \:\ \ \:\/:/ / /:/ / \:\/:/ / \:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \::/ / \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ This FAQ maintained at by Matthew Milan